Grow Super Foods at Home and Eat Your Way to Health

Sharon CooperI first met Sharon Cooper a few years ago. Sharon and husband Andrew live in a beautiful part of Queensland, a 100km north of me in the lush sub-tropical Sunshine Coast.

As experienced horticulturists, they've worked extremely hard over the last few years to build their plant business and maintain supply to major retailers throughout Australia. However the hours and stress involved with building a successful business took their toll on Sharon and unfortunately she suffered a stroke at quite a young age.  

This was the catalyst that Sharon needed to change her lifestyle and their business. Sharon's extensive research and trialling has paid off. She's recovered from her ill health by feeding her body with Super Foods. The right type of vegetables, grown in the right manner, without toxic chemicals.

What I love about Sharon's Super Foods book is that she has turned around her health using these strategies, and the advice and tips are based on sound horticultural principals and experience.

Not amateur anecdotes.

If you're serious about your health – and let's face it, everyone needs to be – visit Sharon and Andrew Cooper's website Our Vegetable Gardening Secrets and discover more about growing Super Foods at your place.